On Easter Sunday it was time to go back to Bolivia before the expiry of my visa. One Italian guy on his way to same direction joined me. There was only a two hours ride from the Pantanal resort to the border town called Corumba. At first the town looked very dodgy and scary and it took us a long time to find the the only hostel in town which was actually quite comfy with swimming pool and friendly service. The pretty receptionist explained us the way to the  riverfront  to see some live samba. The place changed our impression about the town. It was a nice place with it`s colonial buildings and the views to a river. There were quite amount of people spending their Easter Sunday. Instead of samba there was some cheesy gospel music to celebate the Easter. The sunset was also amazing.  We went to bed quite early, to get some rest before the long journey.

I was very nervous about the border crossing, because it was the last day when my visa was valid. Luckily I had no problems and the custom officials gave me actually 11 days more. The trains to Santa Cruz leave from Quijarro located on the Bolivian side of the border. There would have been a faster train in the  evening, but my Italian friend wanted to experience the slow train (chicken train) leaving in the morning. It was really slow and stopped in the every station, but it was nice to see the slowly changing scenery and all the villages on the way. We had basicly the whole car for ourselves. Besides us there were just one Brasilian and one Israelian guy. It was nice to share the travelling experiences with them. We also went to another car to talk with some local people. After enjoying the sunset it was time to have a dinner in one of the stations. The empanadas and meatsticks were tasty and cheap and the atmosphere was interesting. When we got pack we noticed that my dictionary and sunglasses were gone along with all the garbage. The padlock of my friend got stolen also Were were warned about the petty thieves and luckily  we didn`t leave any bags in the train. I hope that they found the Finnish-Spanish dictionary, candy papers, the padlock without the keys and the banana peals useful. Eventually the train got full, but somehow we could sleep somehow inspite of the lack of space. In the morning we were surprisingly well after the tough journey of 21 hours. Anyway I decided to hang around a bit with these guys in Santa Ceuz and take the bus to Cochabamba the next day.